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Forge:  to form or bring into being...

The Real Estate Enhancement Arm of
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              is a resource to landowners, property holders, developers, investors and advisors.  It harnesses opportunity: unveiling potential, realizing value.


This recognizes that not every property fulfills the promise its owner first envisions.   


Unlocking Mystery,
Realizing Value!


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Hello and welcome!  My name is Vic Lang, and I am pleased to introduce:



​as the 'property enhancement' arm of what is simply an alternative approach to developing opportunity.  This alternative focuses on how a project is advanced:


   "Harnessing Opportunity Despite Resource Limitations"


​After you visit this site, I encourage you to go to the tabs above and click  "ENTREPRENEURIALIZE".  It will bring you to the Company website.  [To come back, tap: the "Land4ge" tab.]


Visiting presents the enterprise enhance-ment side of our "Harnessing Opportunity" initiative.


I launched my first venture in 1973.  Yes, it was a while ago.  As seen under 'BACKGROUND' (, this fully embraced the 'Despite Limited Resources' approach.  However, it wasn't too long ago when it finally registered that this 'way of doing business' was commonly called: 'entrepreneurship', albeit our specific method pursues a discrete version.  For more detail, click: 


A few years ago, I retired, sort of... 'putzing' at this and that, mostly in my woodshop.  While sourcing tools or materials, however, I often encountered businesses one could easily see needed help.  I became evermore intrigued.


Whereas this kindled my initial interest, what specifically caught my attention was that their needs directly matched the challenges and experiences I once faced, which fostered the strategies adopted over the years to face such hurdles.  This response is today our 'entrepreneurialize initiative', which explores ways of identifying available resources, the best way to apply them, advancing growth, and how opportunities – businesses or properties – are advanced.


The following focuses on the 'property enhancement' side of this undertaking.  



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Our history is mainly a chronicle relating to land.  Written accounts verify that the possession of land and its use has been a primary occupation for the thoughts and labours of mankind throughout the ages.  And, there is no evidence that this is about to change.  


The fortunes of nations and individuals, in many cases, have been decided by the amount, quality and use made of land.  This is so because land is the base for all habitation and commercial undertaking.


  The perceptive – nations or individuals – will always see the opportunities available
as a result!



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1000 Block West Sixth, Vancouver BC

Minimum setbacks that distanced the adjacent salmon spawning creek from any buildings precluded a typical subdivision layout i.e., employing a back lane to access the individual lots.


As a result this plot of land lay dormant for some time unable to secure the required project approvals.

Recalling what would have occurred back home, in 'Cariboo Country', when mountain creeks needed crossing, a practical solution quickly came to mind.


This was to "drop" a set of two logs across the stream, each set to be covered with a wood deck.  Repeating the design for each of the six proposed entry-ways, this 'street-side' bridge, solution eliminated the need for a back lane. 


As the images show, the project secured the necessary approvals!

Before being introduced to this high-profile site, (1000 Block West Sixth St, Vancouver, BC) several developers had weighed-in and passed on the project*.


Their purchasing enthusiasm soon waned when discovering that this large site also held several large concrete structures.


Seemingly too costly to demolish given the need to secure market viability, as well, the property remained underutilized for years.


*An underutilized urban (commercial/industrial) property.

Facing a 'demolition cost' of close to half the 'land value' prompted the question:


"When were these buildings built?"



Answer: The 1920s  – which prompted the response:

"Well then... these must be
'heritage buildings'!"


After some debate concerning declaring this site as having ,'heritage status', and that that might impede City approvals – a concept plan was nevertheless submitted to the City's Planning Department (see rendering)


As opposed to demolishing the problematic buildings, this mixed-use design instead incorporated the 4structures that previously thwarted development.


Presented with the assertion that the project would not be viable without the requested 'Heritage Status', and therefore, remaining an 'eyesore', it soon secured all approvals.


First, the plan eliminated the 'cost-prohibitive' demolition aspect of having to tear down the old, 'concrete & steel' buildings.  It then also created additional value.  This consisted of a 'heritage bonus,' added another 25,000 Sq. Ft., of 'buildable floor space' to the project.


​Together, these elemental aspects, not only made the project viable, but lucrative as well. The positive result: a 'value-added sale'.

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Unique Solution

Hello, I'm Vic Lang


Let's Talk...


3665 Kingsway, Suite 300
Vancouver, BC, V5R 5W2



T: 604.290.6851


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