Identify Opportunity... Realize Value!
Understanding what we do
in relation to all others
involved in real estate enhancement, marketing
and sales industry is, key; if for
no other reason but to have
work to your advantage.

After more than forty-five years of observing – a goodly stint, you'll agree – I've often found that landholders and developers frequently have no idea what the property they own will be used for. Landowners may be happy to land bank, giving little thought to the future. On the other hand, a developer could have purchased a building site based strictly on its exploratory numbers (e.g., expecting municipal annexation/rezoning, therefore a value increase) with no formal plan for what should be built there. As a result, land tracts remain dormant, building sites are poorly laid out, and older buildings under-perform.
It may seem that this calls for the services of a Realtor. However, as good as that Realtor may be, will they have the wherewithal to execute a development or revitalization plan? The majority of Professional Realtors sell what exists, not what could be. Exposing and realizing a property's 'best value' is seldom within their purview.
Commissioned work − i.e., the engagement of expertise to bring a project to full fruition − is typically based on some criteria. And it is usually the owner or a prospective buyer that dictates that outcome. If it's the latter, what the seller may have anticipated, is rarely reflected. It is also true that professional practitioners − i.e., design architects, structural engineers, soil consultants or finance experts − are not the ones to assume a project's leadership role, regardless of their discipline. Instead, they rely on the 'project principals' to decide what should be done, designed and built. Only with someone's full direction 'will form meet function' the physical nature of a structure be established or a financial plan adopted.
So, how does a project proceed without an owner/principal having all the necessary expertise – i.e., the ability to initiate, direct, finance, and manage such a comprehensive undertaking? And, if an interested developer 'passes' on a purchase, not seeing its merit, who can ensure this does not occur too often, identifying the value-appeal necessary to promote a purchase, induce private investment or compel institutional financial support?
The answer: Land4ge!
Visiting almost any neighbourhood confirms a market need. Whether this is apparent as untouched/virgin lands ('greenfield' properties*), vacant lots, demolition sites or larger municipal parcels, privately controlled properties may only be waiting for the Township to adopt a new Community Plan. Alternatively, a long-abandoned industrial plot, dubbed 'brownfield' lands in some areas (since 1995), may call for extensive environmental clean-up before being put to use. Regardless of the specific challenge, the need is widespread.
The answer to many of these issues is Land4ge, a resource facility organized to step in when required, bringing forth what is often an elusive opportunity. With the 'mystery surrounding a property unveiled, this 'resource' must also validate the merits of what is proposed. It must verify the intrinsic value to be realized; if its only purpose is to 'bring it off the secret list' – i.e., merely exposing the underlying opportunity.
*An area of land that has never had buildings on it before, or buildings that have been put on this land for the first time – cambridge.org
Armed with a proven approach that meets this need is:

The brand-name property enhancement arm of:
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A Similar Approach
Land4ge advances real estate projects. As the property-enhancement arm of Entrepreneurialize Opportunity Corp. ("EOC"), [a British Columbia Corporation delivering entrepreneurial means to small and midsize businesses], it adopts the same 'industry approach'. Its approach to growth management focuses on remaining unconstrained by any resource limitations. This presents an alternative. Contrary to how most businesses function, "administering resources under direct control" the subject approach harnesses resources regardless of their origin*.
*For specifics, click the 'Entrepreneurialize' Tab (Navigation Bar) if you haven't already visited EOC's website.]
As described throughout the websites, the 'approach' or methodology augments what exists. Likewise to how EOC unveils the possible, Land4ge leverages a property's potential in a manner that secures what is required. These techniques are as diverse as they are numerous. One example may be to break a project into manageable pieces, each split into its own sale/investment offering (e.g., Hotel Fractioning: is broken into elements − Rooms, Restaurants, Night Club, Banquet Facilities, etc.). Another solution may be found within a project's marketing or finance structure. One example is the project formerly known as Malaspina Heights and how that proposed 50-lot North Vancouver subdivision project avoided failure.
With Prospectus Approval (a requirement at the time) delayed several times by Provincial Regulators (issue never declared), project financing remained in limbo; all the while, the Closing Date was looming. With large deposits at risk, forfeiture loomed.
The creative solution: Set aside the BC Real Estate Act (1979) and its Prospectus Requirements in favour of the Province's Private Securities Legislation. So, instead of going to market with registered Lots for sale, a "Unit Offering" became the sales instrument. This 'Unit' comprised One Company Share (freshly formed) and an Option, the latter tied to the project's Site Plan and a Lot Designation, presold on a first-come, first-served basis to individual Home Builders. [Click: Malaspina Heights.]